
I had such a great experience working with Liv the past few months on my fat loss goals. I followed a separate strength training program, but utilized the macro coaching with Liv. I'm someone who has constantly yo-yoed and has lost and gained the same 20-30 pounds a couple of times now. Since starting with Liv in May, I have lost nearly 30 pounds and lost a total of about 4 and a half inches off my waist. But, even better than that, I have made such progress mentally and Liv has helped me create healthy and sustainable habits that I feel confident I can stick with long term. She never made me feel guilty or bad for having less than a "perfect" week, celebrated my wins, and put a huge focus on consistency over perfection. I was never miserable or felt like I was starving myself, and when I was feeling a little burnt out, she helped me implement various strategies such as untracked meals, untracked days, and a diet break to ensure I could stay consistent. I cannot say enough good things about Liv and would recommend her to anyone looking to start their fitness journey. Especially in the world of online fitness coaches where harmful misinformation spreads like wildfire, Liv and Meg are a breath of fresh air. I can really tell they are in it for the right reasons, which is helping people reach their goals in a science backed, safe, and healthy way.

-Aimee Adkins

“In the last 18 months, I have gained more confidence and knowledge than I ever thought possible. Liv has been an incredible mentor, support system and friend. She gives me a kick in the butt when I need to be pushed, but she also gives me grace in the moments when I feel like I’m failing. She helped me achieve my goals, both physically and mentally, by considering what I needed personally to make these habits part of the journey and not just a destination. We are all going to go through phases of life where we are more on top of our goals than other times, but the important thing is to let yourself live and never give up. Life isn’t all or nothing. Do the work, do your best, take care of yourself and enjoy the journey. I am blessed to have been able to learn these lessons and more from Liv. I know she has helped me become a better version of myself, inside and out. “

-Jenn Webb

“ Working with Liv for the last 6 months was life changing. She is so positive and upbeat and she really helped me focus on movement and nutrition as a lifetime choice and not a short diet program. Plus, the lifts she created for me were butt-kicking in the best way. She took a few suggestions of things I did and did not want to do and managed to create diverse and interesting workouts that I was always excited to do, even leg days. Honestly, it was an honor to work with such an experienced coach. I felt like even though we talked over email and instagram, Liv really got me and understood what was important to me in my everyday life and in my lifting life. I cannot recommend her highly enough. It was a joy to be her client!

-Jill Mikrut

“In just almost 4 months of working with Liv, I can confidently say she has COMPLETELY changed my life. I began this journey not knowing exactly what to expect, other than I expected myself to probably fail. What I did not realize almost 4 months ago, was how wrong I was going to be! Not only have I seen huge physical changes and muscle growth, but my MIND has become so much stronger than it was. My self-talk has completely flipped for the better and I have learned to be kind to myself. I am stronger physically and mentally, and have more discipline than ever–again, something I did not expect. This is NOT a quick fix, this is a mind, body, and soul overhaul. Every week working with Liv lifts me up and is the highlight of my week. Her support, expertise, and passion for what she does is so inspiring! Almost 4 months later, I have never felt better and my confidence level has skyrocketed! I am just so excited to continue working with Liv and see all that I can achieve in the future. Not only do you get the opportunity to change your life, but you also have a strong little girl gang of women supporting you along the way and to me that is everything.”

-Lauren Peer

“I started working with Liv last October and it was the best decision I’ve ever made. Liv is an amazing inspiration, mentor and coach. She not only encourages you and supports you, but understands that life happens and sometimes we all have a bad week. Liv has helped me stay on track with my workouts but also my nutrition.

Liv has completely helped me change my mindset on EVERYTHING! I truly thought I wouldn’t have lasted more than 3 months with her. Boy, was I WRONG! I have seen physical changes and muscle growth, but the biggest change of all has been mentally. I look forward to my weekly check-ins, even if it’s been a bad week. I push myself at the gym to hit PRs and I am not afraid to try new things. The whole process is baby steps and although I get frustrated with myself at times, she is always there to ENCOURAGE me! Liv is AMAZING and I feel so comfortable with her! I get excited to tell her the littlest things (new PRs, work changes, gym stories, etc). It’s crazy, but I am so thankful she is my coach! I can’t thank her enough and look forward to more of this journey with her! “

-Adria Willer

“Working with Liv has been an absolutely amazing experience. As someone with a Kinesiology background, I am very picky when it comes to choosing a personal trainer. Liv has completely exceeded my expectations. Liv also was a kinesiology major and has her ATC, LMT, NASM CPT/PES .. talk about a badass. She takes this job extremely seriously. Even before fully starting with my workouts and macros, Liv EDUCATED me on the importance of stress and sleep which are usually overlooked in the fitness industry. I have learned so much about fitness and myself since starting this journey. I have truly grown both mentally and physically. Liv has made this LIFESTYLE possible. I am so grateful to have an amazing coach and friend!”

-Keeva Thurmond

“Olivia has been a phenomenal trainer. I reached out to have help preparing for my wedding. I was hoping to lose weight, improve my strength, and feel good on my wedding day. Olivia was so helpful and kind. She adapted my plan to work with my lifestyle and created comprehensive and challenging workout splits for me. I would recommend her to anyone looking for guidance on their health journey.”

-Amelia Nocon

“I cannot recommend working with Liv enough - she is an expert in every sense of the word and guides/teaches/motivates with smarts, kindness and authenticity.

Over the course of our time together, she helped me map out my goals, tackle them in a way that was motivating and encouraged me every step of the way. I learned about fueling my body in a way that made me feel my best, how to lift correctly, the importance of various elements of nutrition and so much more. She took the mystery out of the process and taught me so much along the way. I now feel stronger, healthier and more motivated than ever before. I feel lucky I had the opportunity to work with someone who embodies what they teach and truly cares about what they do. If you have the chance to work with Liv, do it.”

-Stephanie Meyer

I had been following Liv for a long time on Instagram and considered applying for nutrition coaching for a while before I finally did. I truly wish I had not waited so long, but I feel like my journey with Liv was perfectly timed. I had just gone through some health changes that left me feeling physically and mentally lost, and I desperately needed someone to give me direction. From day one with Liv, I got so much more than direction! Liv provided me with the knowledge and support that I needed to reconnect with my body and understand how to nourish it in a way that would put me on a healthier path toward my goals. I started from a place of feeling so defeated when it came to nutrition and was at a plateau in my fitness journey. Liv taught me how to focus on small, attainable goals that I could build on daily. My physical results were great, but this was more of a mental and emotional journey of reconnecting with myself through TRUE self-care. I owe so much to Liv and am so thankful for the opportunity to work with her! She’s compassionate, patient, kind, and so incredibly knowledgeable. I would not be in the healthy place I am today without her guidance and encouragement!

-Carly Dworkin

“ Working with Liv has been the best decision I've made for my health as an adult. When I first reached out to Liv, I had not worked out in years and knew that having someone provide me with workouts and accountability would be crucial to my success. In comes Liv - this woman has worked with me through every possible life situation and hiccup that could have occured and kept me on track to reaching my goals. She is flexible and so willing to make modifications that work best for me and my goals. Liv completely customizes everything we do and focus on based on my real life needs and goals. She holds me accountable and we make modifications each week based on what I have going on. I love my body now more than I ever have. I used to want to "be skinny" but now I have shifted my mindset to love my body for what it can do and how strong it is! I love my muscles, and I love walking into the gym every week feeling confident about what I'm about to do. I wouldn't be where I am without Liv, and I'm excited to see how our journey will continue to shift and grow!”


“Fitness was always a major part of my life, but I knew that I was at a point where I needed guidance and accountability to take it to the next level. Liv was the most amazing person for the job. She is professional, patient, kind and so FUN to work with. Liv was able to create workouts that kept me excited for the gym, eager to get up and get after it each week. She is extremely knowledgeable about nutrition as well. As she helped me track my macros, she also provided insight on how and why each macro was important for my body. She taught me the importance of consistency, patience and discipline, while encouraging me to live my life and never sacrifice fun. She was there for me for every high and low of this fitness journey, and always made herself available to hype me up or talk me off the ledge with sound advice that came from experience and genuine care. I started this journey for an aesthetic goal, and ended up with SO much more. I have never been this confident, this strong, and this empowered. Thanks to Liv's guidance, this lifestyle is now a way of life for me and I wouldn't have it any other way."

-Gi Gearity

“ I cannot say enough positive things about working with Liv. I started training with her five months ago and it has been LIFE CHANGING. I am one of those people that never has had a healthy relationship with food. I have tried every single fad diet and done every type of workout program possible and still was never satisfied with the results or the results were quick fixes that weren’t sustainable long term. I went from eating very minimal calories and supplementing meals with protein bars to eating more than I have in my life and I am still losing weight and gaining muscle. Liv has changed how I think about food! I don’t feel like I am dieting at all; I still get to thoroughly enjoy my carbs and haven’t had to eliminate anything out of my diet. I now only eat protein bars as a snack and can’t believe that I once thought those were sustainable for meals. Thanks to Liv, I now have a much healthier relationship with food and that alone has improved my mental health drastically. I haven’t been this happy with my appearance in a very long time; I have never looked or felt better!! I also never realized the benefits and effects of consistently lifting weights. I went from doing cardio and HIIT classes to weightlifting with minimal cardio and I honestly will never go back. Liv has helped me navigate the weightlifting world and has taught me so much. Liv gives me tough love when I need it and gives me grace when I don’t think I deserve it! You can’t ask for a better coach and friend than Liv! Investing in myself and my health has been the best decision that I have ever made and I couldn’t have done it without Liv. The improvements in my physical and mental health are incredible! If you are on the fence about spending your money on a fitness + nutritional coach, do it! You won’t regret working with Liv! I know that I don’t and will continue to work with her for a very long time!

-Allie Nance

“There are not enough positive adjectives in the world to describe Liv. She’s an endless source of inspiration, positivity, and when I need it most, a source of tough love. I came to Liv just desperate to feel better about myself, to lose weight, and to fix my nutrition. I was feeling defeated after trying for so long on my own and not seeing progress or change. Liv’s program and support have brought immeasurable change in the last 3 months that I haven’t been able to accomplish on my own in years. It’s not just physical but it’s also mental. I am becoming the person I wanted to be. Someone who can balance an active life with their health and fitness. Someone who can practice mindful eating and has a wildly better understanding of their nutrition. Liv is there to cheer me on when I’m crushing my workout and nutritional goals, and to help lift me up and get me back on track when I’ve had a week when I just couldn’t get it together. The accountability is incredible, but it’s also incredibly personal and Liv makes you feel like you’re truly working with a close friend and confidant. I’ve come to realize this process is absolutely a marathon and not a sprint, and will come with ups and downs, but Liv helps keep me focused in the now and like anything is possible. Thank you Liv!!”

-Jill Hollis

“In the 5 short months I’ve trained with her, Liv has helped me physically and mentally. Her unique ability to foster meaningful relationships with her clients in a way that is supportive and approachable made it easy for me to dive right into her program!

As someone who has tried numerous diets and exercise programs in the past, what I value most about training with Liv is her approach to overall health and wellness. I never thought I’d be able to ditch the ‘all-or-nothing’ mentality that was holding me back from reaching my goals, but Liv’s coaching has made me believe otherwise… and life is so much better because of it! Liv is extremely patient and kind — always available to answer questions or give me a stern pep talk when I need it most 🙂

Liv’s workouts are killer — in a good way — and I love that I’m able to plan them around my busy schedule. The workouts feel tailored to me and the progress I’m seeing week-to-week, and are always designed to be done with whatever equipment I have access to (I workout at home).

I really can’t say enough good things about this program — Liv has become a huge support system in my life that I didn’t know I needed, and I’m so happy I started working with her.”

-Gwen Cooke

I’ve been working with Liv for over a year now and I can’t believe how far I’ve come. As a former athlete who retired from her sport and went on to gain quite a bit of weight I felt like my metabolism was “broken”. I had tried every fad diet; low carb, no carb, low fat, low calorie. Instagram advertised every pill, program and fad on the market to me and I would try it. But nothing was working because nothing was sustainable. Even if I lost some weight, I’d gain it back shortly, plus some. Liv taught me how to count macros, gave me killer workouts (my butt has never been so sore) and supported me mentally through the ups and downs. Literally any time of day she was available. After following her program for only a few weeks I knew something magical was happening. Within 3 months the differences in my measurements were astounding and the compliments were rolling in. However, the improvements in my mental health don’t even compare to the changes in my waistline. I have always been anxious when it came to diet, exercise, and weight gain. Now I honestly barely ever stress about it. I even stay comfortable when life gets in the way; I can make any food fit into my lifestyle (pasta night with my gfs? Sure!) and skip a workout if I need to (full day of work? No problem). Liv taught me I don’t have to be perfect; I just have to be consistent. She’s changed my life forever and I will be forever grateful. She’s an amazing coach, cheerleader and friend.”

-Angela McIsaac

“As someone who was previously intimidated by the gym, especially the free weights section, it was amazing how in just a few short weeks with Liv's guidance and understanding of my current fitness levels & goals how I was able to really find a rhythm and confidence in my strength training sessions. Outside of the gym, I started seeing the changes that having judgment-free accountability and unlimited cheerleading could have on my life. Liv was constantly pushing me to the next level and believing in me each step of the way. I'm so thankful for the months I spent training with Liv-- she changed the way I view strength training & the ways it can change not only my body but my mind, too."

-Laura Willis

“Working with Liv has been the best thing to happen to me in a while. Before starting with her, I would do a HIIT workout almost daily, go on really restrictive/unhealthy diets to lose weight quickly. I was constantly stressed about my food choices, always trying to eat clean/low carb/paleo/keto or whatever the trend of the year was, and eating out was never enjoyable because I always felt guilty. I also never saw results. It was frustrating as heck. Over the summer, I was very depressed with my appearance, and I figured my body would never change. I told myself this was just how I was meant to look, and I should get used to it.

But then I started working with Liv. I started eating more protein (way more), and I started lifting weights consistently, without the strain of HIIT. I also started eating more carbs! In the past months my life has completely changed. I have been able to actually ENJOY food, and I get to eat foods that I enjoy without guilt (this includes the bagel I have almost every morning). I don’t have to restrict myself to a salad every day, and I don’t have to go hungry! The best part is I am seeing results! I have never looked as good, I have never felt as good, and I have never felt as relaxed around food. Working with Liv has broken me out of my constant “fear of food diet” cycle, and has enabled me to eat the foods I love, stay full, and still reach my health and fitness goals. The best part is, my results won’t reverse if I take a day “off” my macros for my birthday or go on vacation for a week. These are the results that come from making consistent life changes, and it really shows in everything I do. Needless to say, I have never felt better!”

-Alex Alford

“I have been working out with Olivia for 3.5 months and have noticed drastic changes in my body! In this time, I have fallen in love with working out because the workouts she puts together are fun while still being extremely challenging. Olivia has told me time and time again that consistency is key and perfection is never expected. She has also helped me understand that the number on the scale doesn’t matter as much as how you are feeling and how your clothes are fitting. I would highly recommend working with Olivia if you are interested in learning how to live a more healthy, both physically and mentally, life!”

-Mere Pace

Liv Imperial


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